Rdeče zore: Gibanje proti “teoriji spola” na Madžarskem
21. 2. 2020

Gibanje proti “teoriji spola” na Madžarskem – Posledice za feministično in LGBTIQA+ progresivno levico

Predstavitev z odprto diskusijo

Afkors, Avtonomna Tovarna Rog, 3. nadstropje glavne stavbe, 7.3.2020 ob 18h

Gibanja proti “teoriji spola” so se razširila po vsej Evropi, eno bolj vidnih pa je na Madžarskem. Tovrstna gibanja proti “teoriji spola” (angleško “anti-gender movement”) uporabljajo podobne taktike tako v Evropi kot po svetu – njihovi protagonisti se organizirajo proti pravici do splava, spolni vzgoji v šolah in proti študijam spolov na univerzah, proti porokam lezbijk in gejev ter njihovi pravici do posvojitve otrok ter proti pravicam transspolnih oseb. Pri ljudeh vzbujajo strah in paranojo na način, da se poslužujejo čustveno nabitega besednjaka, prevzemajo in manipulirajo z diskurzom človekovih pravic, znanosti in taktik levice. Poleg tega gibanje proti “teoriji spola” deluje predvsem kot eden od mehanizmov v širšem neoliberalnem kapitalističnem prestrukturiranju družbe. Vodijo ga katoliška cerkev, konzervativne in skrajno desne parlamentarne stranke ter organizacije, neonacistične skupine in zasebna podjetja.

V predstavitvi boste izvedele_i, kakšni so napadi madžarskega gibanja proti “teoriji spola” in kako so vplivali na LGBTIQA+ in feministično skupnost, na nevladne organizacije, univerzitetne študije spola in civilno družbo v Budimpešti in na Madžarskem. Pogovarjale_i se bomo, kakšne so in bi lahko bile proti-strategije progresivne levice.

Sodelovali bosta Andrea Sztraka (Lezbična organizacija Labrisz, Madžarska, Amnesty International, Madžarska) in Dorottya Redai (Lezbična organizacija Labrisz, Madžarska).

Po predstavitvi sledi odprta diskusija.


Organizacija: Rdeče zore, Lezbično-feministična univerza*
So-organizacija: Lezbična organizacija Labrisz (Madžarska), Amnesty International (Madžarska), Afkors AT Rog.

*Dogodek poteka v sklopu 10. obletnice Lezbično-feministične univerze.

************************** ENG ************************

Anti-gender movement in Hungary – implications for the feminist and LGBTIQA+ progressive left

A presentation with an open discussion

Afkors, Autonomous Factory Rog, 3rd floor of the main building, 7.3.2020 at 18h

Anti-gender movements have been on the rise in the whole Europe and Hungary is one of the most visible examples. The anti-gender movement employs similar tactics across Europe and internationally – their actors mobilise against abortion rights, against sex education in schools and gender studies at universities, against gay marriage, adoption of children and transgender rights. By using an emotionally charged discourse and by intruding violently at public events under the pretence of peaceful demonstrations, they co-opt and manipulate the human rights discourse, science and tactics of the left in order to instill fear and paranoia. However, in the background, the anti-gender movement functions foremost as an additional operation for a neoliberal capitalist restructuring of the broader society.
The movement is led by the Catholic Church, conservative and extreme right parliamentary parties and organisations, neonazi groups and by private enterprises.

Through the presentation, you will learn about how the anti-gender movement attacks have affected the LGBTIQA+ and feminist community, non-governmental organisations, university gender studies and civil society in Budapest and Hungary at large, and what (may) have been the counter-strategies of the progressive left.

The presentation will be delivered by Andrea Sztraka (Labrisz Lesbian Association, Hungary, Amnesty International Hungary) and Dorottya Redai (Labrisz Lesbian Association, Hungary).

Afterwards, the floor will be open for questions and experiences from the audience.


Organisation: Red Dawns, Lesbian Feminist University*
Co-organisation: Labrisz Lesbian Association (Hungary), Amnesty International (Hungary), Afkors Rog.

*The event is part of the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Lesbian Feminist University.




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