Lezbično-feministična univerza vas vabi
na Lezbični kino maraton »Anne Lister«,
ki bo v četrtek, 18.7.2019 ob 19h in nato ponovno v četrtek, 1.8.2019 ob 19h v klubu Tiffany (ŠKUC-Kulturni center Q), AKC Metelkova.
Skupaj si bomo ogledale in komentirale vsakič po dva dela britansko-ameriške TV serije Džentlemen Jack, filmske upodobitve lezbičnega življenja britanske zemljiške veleposestnice Anne Lister (1791-1841). V 1980 in 90ih so britanske raziskovalke prvič objavile njene obsežne dnevnike, napisane v kodi, v katerih je odkrito popisala svoja lezbična partnerstva in afere, potovanja po Evropi, upravljanje s posestvijo, odnose s kmeti podnajemniki, delavci in vpletenost v lokalno politiko.
Sledi pogovor, v katerem bomo kritično premislile serijo z vidika feministične in lezbične filmske teorije, avtobiografije, delavskih pravic, prehoda iz fevdalističnega v kapitalistično gospostvo itd.
Dogodek je odprt za lezbijke, ženske, trans in nebinarne osebe. Vir slike.
********* IN ENGLISH *******
Lesbian-Feminist University is inviting you
to the Lesbian cinema marathon »Anne Lister«,
that will occur on Thursday, July 18th 2019 at 7 pm, and then again on Thursday, August 1sth 2019 at 7 pm, at club Tiffany (SKUC-Cultural centre Q), ACC Metelkova.
Together we will see and comment on the two plus two episodes of the British-American TV series Gentleman Jack, which depict lesbian life of the British landowner Anne Lister (1791-1841). In the 1980s and 90s, British investigators for the first time revealed her extensive diaries, written in code, where she had openly written about her lesbian partnerships and affairs, her European travels, managing the estate, relationships with farming renters, workers and her involvement into local politics.
Afterwards, we will try to talk the series critically through from the perspective of feminist and lesbian film theory, autobiography, workers rights, transition from feudalism to capitalism etc.
The event is open only for lesbians, women, trans and non-binary persons. Picture source.